Trajectoire Zéro Emission Nette

Notre Trajectoire Zéro Emission Nette communique les objectifs, actions et ressources que nous déployons pour permettre la transformation vers des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) « Zéro Emission Nette ».

View & Download our Net Zero Transition Plan 2024

Our Net Zero Transition Plan is a living document, setting out responses to climate-related risks and opportunities and highlighting the key initiatives that are intended to contribute to an economy-wide transition. Our transition plan should be read alongside our 2024 Sustainability Report, which includes our annual progress update on delivering our Now & Next Sustainability Strategy, which aims to contribute towards leading the transition to a low carbon, circular economy. 


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Dans le cadre de notre engagement vers le Zéro Emission Nette, nous nous engageons à :

  • Développer nos plans en accord avec les données scientifiques sur le climat. 
  • Établir des partenariats innovants au sein de la chaîne de valeur pour soutenir nos engagements. 
  • Advocating for greater clarity and certainty over long-term energy strategy from policymakers.
  • Securing the circular economy as a key part of the solution to climate change, shifting how we make and consume resources as well as energy.
  • Communiquer régulièrement nos progrès par le biais de rapports annuels clairs et transparents, en se référant aux dernières normes de divulgation climatique. 

Our transition plan describes the actions we are taking to deliver our science-based target, which is a strategic investment in the long-term future of our business, particularly through combined leadership in the circular economy and climate action.

Miles Roberts
Directeur Général du Groupe


Our strategic ambition is a part of our Now & Next Sustainability Strategy, which includes commitments relating to Circularity, Carbon, People & Communities and Nature. 

Building on a long-term record of emissions reduction, in 2022 we accelerated our decarbonisation plans by setting a 1.5°C science-based target, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). 

Our climate-related targets are:

  • Reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions 46 per cent by 2030 compared to 2019
  • Reach Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050
  • Encourage 100 per cent of our strategic suppliers to set their own science-based targets by 2027

In support of a 1.5°C transition to Net Zero, we are committed to considering the Paris Agreement in our business activities, including in our external engagement, as underpinned by the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5).

Our Now & Next Sustainability Strategy includes other commitments that supplement and support the ambition of our transition plan. 


In order to deliver future progress towards our science-based target, we have an ambitious roadmap of initiatives that prioritise our most significant emission sources. 

We have identified three main levers that we can use to reduce our emissions, with major projects that utilise each lever underway. 


  • Reducing energy consumption 
  • Reducing material consumption 
  • Reducing waste generation 


  • Switching to renewable energy 


  • Adopting new techologies


Our transition plan includes clear metrics and targets that our teams are accountable for delivering. It describes the governance in place to deliver our Net Zero Transition Plan.