Sweden’s Blomsterboxen delivers beguiling begonias

Fresh flowers are always a pleasure to behold. But the timing and protection are crucial. Flowers sent too early might not have achieved their full beauty and they need to be in pristine condition to get the desired effect. Blomsterboxen (Flowerbox)'s founder is driven by the ambition to sell flowers that really deserve to be given with love, with beautiful blooms at the point of sale, and which retain their beauty for a long time.

The Challenge:

The packaging has to perform as perfectly as the treasured begonias. It needs to take into account that the growing flowers are living beings that breathe, they are sensitive to shocks and rough handling, and that their well-developed root system is properly watered when packed meaning the packaging must be resistant to moisture.

Our Approach:

We began to design the pack in the spirit of teamwork where different ideas and solutions could be kicked around and investigated. From there, we developed a stable, well-ventilated box that held the flower freely "suspended" – so there was no damaging contact with the packaging.


  • Unparalleled protection with a tailor-made solution that ensures the flower remains fixed even if the box is upside down.
  • Lower costs thanks to a design that is easy to store, transport and pack.
  • Great look and feel that maintains the brand and compliments that beautiful product inside the pack.

We are very pleased with the package we have now. It has passed the baptism of fire. But we are of course always interested in improvements and we will continue to work to increase strength as that opens up many more kinds of flowers.

— Cecilia Crona, CEO of Flower Box