Can You Recycle Pizza Boxes?

Think you can’t recycle pizza boxes? Think again. In a recent DS Smith Survey, we found there to be a significant disparity between local authority guidance and individuals views on whether pizza boxes could be recycled. As part of our Recycle Week Campaign a poll indicated that 27%1 of people did not think pizza boxes could be recycled.

It is true that some local authorities are not able to accept pizza boxes for recycling, but many are. Sadly, because of many of us not realising this, pizza boxes are being sent to landfill unnecessarily every year.  

What about grease in the pizza box? 

Many people believe that pizza boxes can’t be recycled due to food contact and grease residue, however this isn’t the case. Most pizza boxes can still be recycled as modern recycling facilities can handle small amounts of grease and oil without any issues. 

The box only becomes unrecyclable if it is heavily soiled or filled with leftover food - so next time you enjoy a pizza, don’t forget to take out any leftovers and recycle the box. 

Why should you recycle your pizza boxes? 

The UK’s paper and cardboard recycling rate is lagging, with Brits ranking 25th out of 30 European nations for recycling rates at just 73%, compared to the European average of 82%. Similarly, the UK household recycling rate was on the decline at 44.1% in 2022, compared to 44.6% in 20212. By recycling pizza boxes, we can:    

  • Reduce waste by saving items from going to landfill or incineration 
  • Keep fibre in the circular economy for longer – the cardboard can go back through the papermaking process and used to produce new products 
  • Support sustainability and reduce your impact on the environment 

Are these pizza boxes recyclable? Take a look at our guide on contamination levels: 

Clean box with one very small grease spot. No food remains. (Yes, recyclable) 

Box with a reasonable amount of grease. No food remains. (Yes, recyclable) 

Box soiled heavily with grease. Some cheese remains. (No, not recyclable) 

Box soiled heavily with grease and cheese. A slice or two of pizza remains in the box. (No, not recyclable) 

Additional Photo – Empty and unused clean pizza box  

Additional Photo – Pizza box with a whole pizza in it
Contamination levels of pizza boxes

Follow these simple steps to make sure your pizza box is ready to be recycled: 

  1. Remove leftover food – scrape off any leftover crusts, cheese or toppings  
  2. Check for grease – if the box is excessively greasy, tear/cut off the affected section and recycle the clean cardboard  
  3. Flatten the box – break down the box to save space  
  4. Put it in the recycle bin 

Always check your local authority’s recycling rules to ensure that they allow for pizza box recycling – and thank you for recycling your pizza boxes.  

1.(1552 responses as part of Recycle Week Campaign 2023; 1127 'Yes', 425 'No')
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