Beer smart omnichannel packaging with surprise

Martins is a family brewery owned by the Pilkovci brothers in Slovakia. The company was aiming to  launch a new bottled beer, created especially to please those who want to enjoy their beer in the comfort at home in slippers. Hence its unusual name “slipper beer”.

They asked for DS Smith help to solve the  great challenge of  creating a handy packaging solution that would meet 4 needs in 1:

  • transport packaging
  • shelf-ready packaging,
  • display
  • e-commerce packaging for home delivery

At DS Smith, we are very proud of this cooperation. We developed a beer smart omnichannel packaging solution that delighted end consumers with an unexpected, superior experience.

And we helped our customer, Martins, to communicate its passion for quality, its heritage, and its attention to sustainability by using every millimeters of the package surface.

Read more here:


For more inspiration download our  "Inspirational wine brochure“.

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