DS Smith rolls out business intelligence and corporate finance management solution

DS Smith has been granted the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) to roll out business intelligence and corporate finance management solution project (REPORFINAN Project) in Spain.

Start date | 13-04-2018
End date | 31 -07 -2019
Total cost | 922.056 EUR
CDTI financial support | 592.882,01 EUR

REPORFINAN project was rolled out in our Iberian head office in Alcobendas, near Madrid. The main objective was to create an expert IT system that would allow the company to manage not only the financial data and extensive financial forecasts but also automate accounting processes.

IT-project-web-image.jpgIn order to achieve this innovative goal, a new business intelligence solution has been developed. It was designed to improve financial consolidation, budgeting and reporting to a more reliable and functional model with real-time reporting capabilities.