DS Smith publishes annual Sustainability Review, launching nine new, ambitious targets

At DS Smith we create and deliver innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that consider the entire supply chain, balancing the needs of our business, our environment and our people.

The world is changing. Evolving consumer habits and new technologies are reshaping the way we buy and use products and services: smaller, more frequent grocery shops; less brick-and-mortar; more online; smaller households; less ownership; a more conscious consumer.

Packaging must adapt to these global trends.

Our Sustainability Review 2018, published today, tells the story of how we embed sustainability throughout business discussing key issues, being honest about challenges and sharing success in how we create sustainable value at every stage of the supply cycle:

  • Product design and innovation
  • Sourcing
  • Manufacturing operations
  • Customers’ supply cycles
  • End of life and recycling

In last year’s review we announced that, in light of achieving our existing energy, water and waste targets ahead of schedule, we would review our sustainability performance targets. Following this review, we are pleased to share a range of nine new, ambitious, long-term targets which we will report against for the first time next year. It is through delivering against these targets that we look to achieve our ambition to lead the way in sustainability.

Download our executive summary for a glance at our key highlights, or view the full Sustainability Review 2018 to read:

  • An introductory letter from Miles Roberts, Group Chief Executive.
  • A letter from Iain Simm, Chairman of the Sustainability Steering Group.
  • A review of performance from the past year and a new databook containing a detailed summary of sustainability performance data, split by division.
  • Questions and answers with our new Director of Sustainability, Emma Ciechan.
  • A celebration of a year full of awards and an improvement in our EcoVadis score.

Please visit our divisional newsrooms for individual highlights from Recycling, Paper, Packaging and Plastics