DS Smith to launch exclusive ‘The Power of Less’ report at Resource Event

Reducing complexity and optimising potential will be a key focus from lead partner DS Smith at this year’s Resource event.  DS Smith will launch its exclusive report ‘The Power of Less: Where Packaging’s role in a circular economy becomes clear’ at the event on Tuesday 3rd March at the event which runs 3rd-5th March.

Through interviews with key industry players, the report details the challenges of the management of packaging in the supply cycle, explaining how solutions can be found through packaging design and recycling.

Today packaging is more relevant than ever and the benefits of a strategic and sustainable packaging solution can help reduce complexity and cost, manage risk and support growth opportunities.

Looking at the figures it makes sense for the packaging industry to adopt circular economy principles. While global packaging sales are forecast to reach $975 billion by 2018(1), recyclable post-consumer packaging with an estimated market value of $11.4bn gets wasted in the US each year(2). The problem occurs with the complex nature of global trading that uses long, convoluted supply chains across a variety of channels within the retail sector alone.

By applying supply cycle principles to packaging, where linear supply chains are replaced with circular processes and through carefully considered design and understanding of the full lifecycle, packaging can deliver business benefits including less costs, less waste, more sales and managed risk.

Through research and development with local customers DS Smith managed to sell ice cream, on foot, through sand storms under the burning sun in West Africa. The company created affordable, lightweight cooling boxes that are used by over 10,000 vendors across the African continent on a daily basis. This supply cycle thinking created less food spoilage, increased sales and generated a long-lasting positive impact in the communities of the sellers.

The company is again lead sponsor at the event that runs 3-5 March at Excel London.

Mark Greenwood, Group Sustainability Director, DS Smith, said: “Across the DS Smith group we believe packaging can not only contribute to supply chain efficiencies but also be wholly compatible with the circular economy.”

A number of presentations and a workshop will be run by DS Smith, showing how adopting a holistic approach by interacting with many elements within the supply cycle, can bring about more effective solutions.

Mark Greenwood added: “Optimising the system is key, having a strategy that maximises material flows and ensuring that the materials used are able to be recycled effectively and efficiently. The value in recycling packaging is undeniable but we need to be aware that packaging design supports changes in recycling behaviour.”


  • Tuesday, 3rd March: 16.15 to 16.45 - Tom Campbell-White – Commercial Manager – DS Smith Recycling Division

Where waste becomes opportunity: The journey to circular becomes clear through transparent waste hierarchy management.

Tom Campbell-White

Tom Campbell-White

As Commercial Manager, Tom is responsible for developing new business opportunities for recycling and waste management on a national basis.  He is full member of CIWM and has worked at DS Smith for three years.

  • Thursday, 5th March 14.00 – 14.30 - Greg Lawson – Managing Director – The Less Packaging Company Limited (a part of DS Smith plc)

The Power of Less: Pre-cycling and the true impact of packaging. The role of sustainable packaging as a strategic driver and supply chain enabler.

Greg Lawson

Greg Lawson

Greg has worked in the packaging and retail sectors for over 20 years. In 2009, Greg founded The Less Packaging Company driven to make a difference to the packaging industry. Since then he has become a leading innovator within the global packaging market developing consultancies in Europe, Asia, the Indian Sub-continent and North America. 


  • Tuesday 3 March: 14.00-15.00

Designing packaging to be a true enabler in the circular economy

The interactive workshop will focus on the key elements – Design, Collaboration, Leakage points and Recycling – throughout packaging’s journey in supply chains and why taking steps towards a supply cycle is crucial for 2015.

Delegates to the workshop and visitors to the exhibition will be able to receive a copy of ‘The Power of Less: Where Packaging’s role in a circular economy becomes clear’ report, detailing how packaging is a positive enabler for the circular economy.

DS Smith will be exhibiting on Stand No R250.