Interview with Ernesto Acebrón, Sales Manager of SRG Global Spain
A few days ago we had the pleasure of interviewing Ernesto Acebrón, Sales Manager of SRG Global Spain, one of our main customers of our plants in Almussafes and Ribarroja (Valencia), with which we work closely for already 10 years developing multi-material packaging for various projects as automotive, especially chrome and painted parts.
Ernesto Acebrón is the current Sales Manager of SRG Global in Llíria in the province of Valencia (Spain). Prior to this position he was Material Control Manager also in the same company and long before already belonged to Radio Laboratories, the company acquired by SRG Global.
"Our relationship with Tecnicarton is based on trust"
1. In what products do you currently work with Tecnicarton?
Non-returnable packaging (cardboard boxes, trays, etc) and returnable (not foldable and collapsible containers, plastic, metal, with customized internal fittings for finished and ready to transport parts). We received them either assembly or stacked, depending on the type of packaging.
2. Since when has been working SRG Global with Tecnicarton as a packaging supplier?
The joint work began more than 10 years ago (in non-returnable, in which we keep good and increasing line of work), but in recent times the trend of the OEM has been to implement returnable packaging (environmental issues). This caused the increase of demand. Since then and especially when Francisco Correa manage the division of returnable packaging, we work hand in hand with them in the development of our packaging.
3. How is the process of working with Tecnicarton?
Each part that we manufacture and we have to transport has its own design, in which we work directly with Tecnicarton. Previously, in SRG Global we have made a selection of 2 or 3 providers to choose the one that best suits our needs. We offer a technical review and work with our supplier.
4. Why did you choose Tecnicarton?
There are several reasons that make Tecnicarton one of our main suppliers of packaging. They make technical proposals tailored to our needs, creative proposals and they also have the ability to implement them.
Another advantage is proximity. For us it is very important that with a call they approach from Almussafes to Liria and they give us support and help us to achieve an optimal solution. And of course, another advantage is that they are competitive and offer all appropriate solutions to market prices.
5. How important is packaging for SRG Global?
For us packaging is essential, because the pieces have to reach our customers in perfect condition. Both we and our customers demand a high level of quality.
6. To which countries do you deliver the parts that you manufacture at your factories in Llíria and in Ibi?
From our two production centers of Valencia we send product to Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, France and the rest of Spain. And we send our parts both Tier 1 and OEMs themselves.
7. What type of product do you transport?
We carry everything we manufacture, generally injected parts, painted and / or chromed, usually assemblied on a set. For example door moldings, wheel wells, gas caps, set front grille, hubcaps, rear quarter panels, rocker panels, etc.
8. How do you approve that a packaging complies with your technical characteristics and fits what you want?
We develop prototypes that are tested delivering them in a truck to repeat the route between our factories in Ibi and Llíria repeating it the number of times necessary for verification. With these trips we can test the possible defects of the development and work to improve them.
9. What projects are currently working?
We are currently developing a spoiler (one of the parts with higher quality requirements of the car) so the next challenge will be a package for these parts.
10. What characterizes the relationship between Tecnicarton and SRG Global?
Mainly trust and commitment they have with customers. Currently we work mainly with 3 or 4 packaging suppliers but Tecnicarton develop 70% of the projects. They have always responded and we remain confident in them.