DS Smith Brand Logo: Tecnicarton

Design department

We have a R+D+i centre located in Almussafes (Valencia) highly qualified with years of experience in designing bespoke and multi-material packaging solutions

Our R+D+i centre groups the activities of Research, Development and Innovation. Coordinates search of new packaging materials, new applications and new manufacturing processes.

It also gives support to other plants in matter of design, product development, prototyping, test packing...

Their work began hand to hand with our packaging engineers, once they have analyzed all your packaging needs and the best packaging that might suit our designers start working on a packaging prototype, selecting materials and production processes to subsequently undergo previews, tests and analysis before reaching the final development.

All this thinking on your total costs reduction, in a way that the packaging optimizes all supply chain.

For all that they have the most advanced 2D and 3D tools and multitude of resources in CAD and CAM to produce prototypes as plotter, 3D scanner, milling machines, digital printing, sewing…

And partnerships with major technology centers and research institutions and packaging development (ITENE, AIDIMA AIMPLAS) to perform all necessary analysis and test.