DS Smith Brand Logo: Tecnicarton

Packaging services

In Tecnicarton we cover all your company needs

  • Packaging reparation and reconditioning

After optimizing and installing your returnable packaging system, we continue supporting your investment with our reparation and reconditioning service of packaging. We have a large experience on reusable packaging repairs, a more economic solution than substitution and a better return of your investment.

Our reparation specialists evaluate your packaging taking base on an individual solution for each container and having in mind different alternatives to put into service your packaging. Reparation and reconditioning services include: reparation of bulks containers (plastic and metal), interiors reconditioning (Dividers and inserts in plastic or cardboard, textile bags, flexible separators, foam insides, thermoformed trays), metal cages reparations...


  • In - House service

Specially focus to those companies that need a complete solution, it offers the figure of an unique packaging supplier able to manage all the suppliers, whatever is the material or the technology.

Thanks to our geographical distribution of plants, we can offer you this service that will make you save assembly costs. The first time we heard about this term, we knew it as "integration", nowadays the model keeps offering continuous benefits to our customers.

To provide you our In-House services we follow a thorough work routine, where we analysed with our customer all the processes that take part in the supply chain, from an economic point of view, to see where we can save costs, so later we can follow the best way to achieve a total costs reduction of the packaging.


  • Full Service Supply

We give coverage to all of your company packaging needs, providing any kind of packing material and offering services that let you outsource processes related with packaging such as:

     -   Management of packaging supplier

     -  Management of packaging specifications

     -  Analysis of the supply chain


  • Just In Time

Our plants locations in Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco, allows us to be near to our customers and offer them an agile and flexible sequenciated delivery service of packages.

This service is mainly compound by deliveries in order to lined up needs, integration with EDI systems, supply of all packing materials.