E-commerce Packaging

Research shows that consumers are becoming increasingly vocal about their online shopping experiences, so retailers must focus on the delivery experience. As experts in packaging design and supply chain optimisation, DS Smith can help you embrace the demands of today’s E-commerce market.

Why choose DS Smith for your E-commerce packaging?

  • Expertise across a wide range of online retail sectors including food & drink, apparel, electronics and pet care
  • A dedicated team of 700+ designers, innovators, and strategists
  • Our patented testing system DISCS ensures your products are fully protected in transit
  • We deliver circular ready solutions, designing out waste and ensuring maximum recyclability and reusability
  • Supply chain audits help us to optimise packaging performance at multiple touchpoints, allowing full traceability
  • Innovative and eye-catching design and print to enhance the customer brand experience
  • Secure, tamper proof packaging and foolproof returns


Are you ready for the future of E-commerce?

Our E-commerce Solutions