Protecting Natural Resources
We will continue to care for forests and their biodiversity.
We will use as few natural resources as possible, using innovation and design to deliver more to customers by using less.
By 2025 we will optimise fibre use for individual supply chains in 100% of our new packaging solutions
- Optimise our pack designs through our leading packaging performance programme (PACE)
- Review customer supply chains and data to optimise individual box life cycle
- Embed requirements for fibre optimisation in New Product Development
By 2030 we are aiming to optimise every fibre for every supply chain
- Work with customers to accurately quantify performance requirements
- Develop innovative tools for understanding customer supply chains and segments
- Roll out fibre optimisation for individual supply chains for all pack designs
CASE STUDY - We are protecting global forestry

The world would run out of recycled fibre in 6-18 months without fresh inputs of virgin fibre. We're committed to using only 100% recycled or chain of custody papers in our products and ensuring 100% of our sites hold chain of custody certificates. We manage all 14,000 hectares of the forests that we own responsibly and are committed to achieving sustainable forest management certification by 2021. We have supported our largest paper supplier to engage on forestry and biodiversity issues, alongside providing forestry education and other support to independent local land owners and will continue to apply our ban on any fibre from 12 high risk countries.
Putting sustainability at the heart
We can make, use, collect and recycle cardboard packaging within 14 days. We are ambitious in using innovation to tackle some of the world’s most complex sustainability challenges.
Developing the right strategies
Our experts work closely with customers to understand their needs. Together we find ways to help take advantage of today’s opportunities to powerfully deliver products.
Explore our other targets
Now and Next Sustainability Strategy