Efficient Packaging for Movistar Electronics & Logistics

Products in the electronics industry evolve at breakneck speed and this can cause headaches throughout the supply cycle. But what if the packaging could evolve at the same speed and smooth out the supply cycle bumps?


A decoder supplier needed DS Smith’s help to reduce the number of references and components in its packaging for a wide range of products with different measurements. Protection of the equipment, and especially the fragile internal hard disk, was paramount. The packaging also needed to improve palletization and ensure barcodes on the decoders could be scanned without opening the box.

Our Approach

DS Smith developed corrugated cardboard packaging that adapts to the greatest possible number of decoder references grouped by size, without compromising protection of the base and rear of the decoders, where the most sensitive parts are found. Static charge tests were then carried out to determine the optimal strength of the box to maximize stacking and improve palletization.


  • Lowered costs by having just two packages covering 14 different products.
  • Reduced damage to the hard disks thanks to a double bottom.
  • Reduced the complexity of the packaging by using fewer parts and designing adaptability into the packaging itself.
  • Reduced transportation and storage costs by designing the packaging for a European pallet and optimizing the load volume.
  • Avoided future costs as the packaging can adapt to upcoming products
  • Improved supply chain performance using window ‘cut outs’ ensured barcodes were visible and legible from outside the box.