What is an Impact Center?

Learn how to judge your packaging’s performance at each stage of the supply cycle, right up to the moment of truth, when the shopper decides which product to purchase.

At an Impact Center we create practical environments to explore what the right packaging can achieve, whether in store, at the moment of truth with shoppers, or at all stages of packing, storage and distribution. 

An Impact Center is NOT a showroom! It's a place where you explore best packaging practice, take inspiration from elsewhere and apply lessons to every touchpoint.  It’s a place where you can look, touch, feel and see, so that ideas become clear and alive.

Through workshops tailored to your interests, our Packaging Strategists help you challenge your thinking and perceptions to see how much more you could achieve with your packaging.  Together we prioritize the opportunities to drive sales, address Supply Cycle costs and handle risk.  We discuss solutions to meet each and every challenge. 

Discover what Impact Centers and Supply Cycle Thinking can do for your business at one of our nine Impact Centers.

A strong and growing network of 9 Impact Centers