Innovation for faster moving consumer goods

R-Flute® has been intensively developed to provide better packaging in a
wide range of FMCG and Retail Ready Packaging applications.

Compared with traditional B-Flute, R-Flute® offers a superior print surface, enhanced appearance, machine line efficiencies and logistics savings, particularly in the handling, storage and movement of inbound packaging.

R-Flute v. B-Flute

R-Flute® thus opens valuable opportunities, to drive sales and strengthen brand representation in store, whilst contributing to cost reduction and lower carbon operations.

Typical results for users who replace traditional B-Flute with R-Flute® include:

Sales impact in store

  • Better brand representation
  • Differentiation within the category
  • Fast and tidy opening of perforated packs for in-store replenishment
  • Design options to make products easy for shoppers to see

Lower cost

  • More productive packing lines
  • Lower cost operations for incoming packaging:
  • Fewer packaging deliveries
  • Less handling and movement, to storage and to packing lines
  • Release of valuable warehouse space

Reduced environmental impact

  • Fewer deliveries of packaging, taking lorries off the road
  • Contribution to good use of resources and reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Sales impact in store

Compared with traditional B-Flute, the characteristics which make R-Flute® successful include:

  • Calliper typically 20% less, so that space can be optimised in delivery, warehousing and handling of packaging
  • Over 30% more flute tips for the same length of board, so that the surface is flatter, creasing is more precise and perforations are better formed
  • Excellent flat crush – resistance to pressure onto the board surface – particularly helpful for packs containing bottles or cans


In addition to widespread use in FMCG sectors and in Retail Ready Packaging,
R-Flute® also succeeds in the right industrial and transit applications. Incorporated into double wall packaging, it enhances print surfaces.