DS Smith Launceston granted Silver Healthy Heart Mark

DS Smith’s packaging site in Launceston has been awarded a prestigious Silver Healthy Heart Mark employer award, by national charity Heart Research UK, for its efforts in promoting and encouraging its employees to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

The Healthy Heart Mark award programme recognises an employer’s efforts to improve staff health and general wellbeing by introducing healthy-heart initiatives in the workplace. There are three certificate levels that businesses can work towards – bronze, silver and gold – by demonstrating their proactive approach in encouraging staff to be more health conscious.

The packaging company’s Launceston site scooped the silver mark for introducing several physical activities and initiatives supporting heart health. The activities included an on-site company health day and a ‘world cycle challenge’, which saw an exercise bike installed in the canteen for staff to use on their breaks. Employees were also provided with monthly recipe cards and weekly access to an on-site physiotherapist – as well as visits from a Slimming World representative and a personal trainer. In addition, the company has also set aside two days per year for cancer awareness and to support staff in stopping smoking.  

Shirley Martyn, Managing Director at DS Smith’s Launceston site said: “We’re very proud to have been awarded the silver Healthy Heart Mark. It’s been fantastic to see our employees responding enthusiastically to the initiatives and encouraging one another to lead healthier lifestyles. The programme has kick-started a culture-shift within the company, and is inspiring everyone to pay closer attention to their general health.”  

Malcom Cotterell, Head of Engagement and Communications, for DS Smith’s UK Packaging Division, said: “In the packaging and manufacturing industries, safety is often prioritised above health but we know that a healthy and happy workforce is integral to running a successful business. When we saw how successful the initial pilot program was, we rolled it out to all our sites across the UK. We’re immensely proud of the achievements of our colleagues at the Launceston site and I would urge any team of senior managers who might be considering cutting ‘health in the workplace’ programmes to think again. Invest in health and the benefits will speak for themselves.”

DS Smith offers healthy heart checks at its 31 sites – from Livingston to Launceston - providing staff with the opportunity to discuss their lifestyle habits and have their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, BMI and waist measurements checked.

Heart Research UK funds pioneering medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease. The Healthy Heart Mark employer award is an accreditation that shows how an organisation values its workforce and makes positive contributions towards employee health and wellbeing.

Barbara Dinsdale, Head of Lifestyle at Heart Research UK, said: “It’s great to see companies like DS Smith UK Packaging continuing to invest in employee health which not only has a positive impact on employee health but on team spirit too. The benefits for companies signing up to our Healthy Heart Mark employer award scheme, in terms of both health and corporate engagement, extend far beyond the factory gates.”

To find out more about Heart Research UK and healthy heart initiatives in the workplace visit: https://heartresearch.org.uk/.

For further information please contact Joan Caves 0113 234 7474

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