The Power of Less

Human beings are pretty good at using things. Energy, food, water, packaging – we all use all of these things and we’re using more. Our global population is rising and global resources are depleting. We try to improve global standards of living, and in doing so, we create more – more manufacturing, more consumption, more waste. But if we all do more, we can actually use less. There are clear commercial gains from using less and recycling more – to everyone’s benefit.

You are directly affected by your environment. At DS Smith, our recycling business is devoted to making your environment the best it can possibly be.
We help you achieve more with The Power of Less.



1 Eurostat, Waste Statistics (2012) (
2 Eurostat, Waste Statistics (2012) (
3 As You Sow and Natural Resources Defense Council, ‘Waste and Opportunity’ 2015 (
4 Love Food Hate Waste (
5 The Guardian (
6 Eurostat, Environmental protection Expenditure (2013) (
7 European Commission, Waste Framework Directive (
8 European Commission (
9 European Commission (
10 Love Food Hate Waste (
11 Sustainable Development Summary Report 2015, SABMiller (
12 SABMiller (
13 Size of global recycling market 2020 Statista,(
14 ‘Runnning on rubbish’, Sainsbury PLC (