DS Smith highly commended at National Recycling Awards 2019

DS Smith Recycling was highly commended in the Food Waste Initiative category at this year’s National Recycling Awards. The prestigious ceremony, which celebrates best practice in recycling and waste management, took place on Thursday 27 June at the London Hilton Park Lane.

As one of Europe’s largest paper and card recyclers, managing more than 5.5 million tonnes for recycling annually, this accolade recognises DS Smith’s expertise and innovation in the delivery of wider waste management solutions. In supporting Tesco to achieve its diverting food fit for human consumption from waste ambition, the judges commended DS Smith’s unique system of transporting bakery surplus, which has resulted in less contamination and allowed for more surplus bakery stock to be used as animal feed.

Stephanie Dalton, Account Director at DS Smith Recycling, commented: “Bakery surplus accounts for a significant amount of post-store food handling across the Tesco estate. Our support has played a pivotal role in ensuring 100% of this surplus goes to animal feed.

Projects such as our partnership with Tesco demonstrate how innovative thinking can result in significant improvements to our customers’ recycling and waste management strategies.