DS Smith awarded Environmental Leadership Award 2017 by Pulp & Paper International

DS Smith was proud to win the Environmental Leadership Award at the Pulp and Paper International (PPI) 2017 Awards.

DS Smith is delighted to receive external recognition for our commitment investment in building an ever more sustainable business. Operating ever more sustainably can provide opportunities for growth, support risk management, help our business operate more efficiently and enhance stakeholder relationships.

The PPI Awards are hosted by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), of which DS Smith is a member, and the ceremony took place at European Paper Week in Brussels.

Henk Lingbeek, Sustainability Director of DS Smith’s Paper Division, was present to collect the award. He said:

The Environmental Leadership Award is a fantastic result, celebrating all the work that we are doing to improve our environmental performance. I am particularly pleased for our employees, as this award demonstrates the hours of hard work they have all contributed to energy, waste, recycling chain-of-custody certification, and other projects across the whole of our business.

The award highlights DS Smith’s strong performance across many areas, to mention just a few:

  • An increase in our CDP Climate Change module score of Management B. This reflects our 8.1% reduction in CO2e per tonne of production against the previous year
  • Multiple successful LED lighting case studies across our business
  • Rapid progress in our FSC® certification programme, reaching 85% of our target to be 100% certified across all in-scope sites by 2018
  • Continued customer success stories in waste management – making us one of the largest recyclers and circular economy companies in Europe, manaing over 5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard for recycling per year
  • Continued growth of the Packaging Division’s PackRight and Impact Centres,where we have been working with customers to reduce the environmental impact of their supply chains through Supply Cycle Thinking.

As proud as we are to receive the Environmental Leadership Award and to celebrate these achievements, there is still much work to do.

DS Smith has a corporate goal to lead the way in sustainability, which means we must continuously challenge ourselves to make our business, and our customers’ businesses, increasingly sustainable.