2degrees Live: Resource Efficiency Summit 2014

DS Smith’s Tom Campbell-White will be discussing our approach to closed loop recycling and the circular economy at the 2degrees Live: Resource Efficiency Summit on 26th September.

The summit, which is taking place in St Paul’s in London, will enable manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumer brands to share best-practice on how to go beyond what has already been achieved on energy, water and/or waste performance.

Tom Campbell-White has been asked to give his practical insights into how DS Smith focuses on a range of recycling and recovery processes to work towards our zero waste mission. Our joined-up approach enables us to find the most efficient Supply Cycle for our customers, ensuring their products achieve more from less. 

Participants at the event will be invited to share challenges in peer-to-peer workshops, while speakers will give fresh perspectives and advice on how to overcome challenges to achieving zero waste.

The event, organised by 2degrees Live, is also designed to help visitors make a step-change in resource efficiency, create potential cost savings, build the investment case and connect with partners.

If you would like to attend the Resource Efficiency Summit 2014, visit the 2degrees Live website from the link below to book your place.