DS Smith Recycling disappointed with outcome of Judicial Review

Press statement: DS Smith has re-affirmed its commitment to drive up recycling standards after the latest Judicial Review for segregating waste ruled in favour of the Welsh Government and Defra’s approach.

Both wanted to see segregation take place when technically, environmentally and economically practically (TEEP) appropriate. The Campaign for Real Recycling, of which DS Smith is a member, challenged this interpretation as it still allows for commingled collections which can have a significant impact on the quality and commercial viability of recyclate.

Jim Malone, European Sales & Purchasing Director at DS Smith Recycling said: “We are naturally disappointed that the judge in this case has not supported the view that the current interpretation will impact on the quality of recyclate. As a company absolutely committed to zero waste to landfill, we want to promote best practice in recycling at all times. The Waste Framework Directive 2015 is an opportunity for all to source segregate waste and we will continue to pursue best practice with our customers in order to get the most from our waste streams.”