DS Smith commits to nine new ambitious long-term sustainability targets

The world is changing. Evolving consumer habits and new technologies are reshaping the way we buy and use both products and services. The growth of e-commerce, the fall of bricks and mortar, environmentally-conscious consumers and an ever-increasing population are redefining the supply cycle. Packaging must adapt to these global trends.

DS Smith has today launched its 2018 Sustainability Review. Exploring the company’s progress towards minimising operational impact, the comprehensive report discusses key industry trends, unforeseen challenges and shares best practice in creating sustainable value.

From product design and innovation, to materials sourcing, manufacturing operations, customers’ supply cycles and end-of-life recycling, the company’s commitment to sustainability is intricately analysed.

In DS Smith’s previous review, it was announced that, in light of achieving energy, water and waste targets well ahead of schedule, a full review of sustainability performance would be undertaken. Following this process, DS Smith has revealed nine new, ambitious, long-term targets, through which it aims to lead the way in sustainability. The full list of targets can be found at www.dssmith.com/company/sustainability.


Increased volume of energy generated and exported at its paper mills

Highlights from the review include improvements to the company’s EcoVadis score (an industry-wide sustainability rating) and a new databook containing a detailed summary of sustainability performance. The continued success of its end-to-end recycling and paper-making operations is also referenced, with an 8.3% reduction in total CO2e across its Recycling division, as well as a 4.5% year-on-year increase in the volume of energy generated and exported at its paper mills (884 GWh).

DS Smith’s commitment to tackling the global issue of coffee cup waste is also profiled, with the company’s Recycling and Paper divisions working in close collaboration to identify a solution to recycle up to the 2.5 billion coffee cups used every year in the UK.


reusable or recyclable packaging by 2025

A further take-out is the company’s commitment to manufacturing 100% reusable or recyclable packaging by 2025, alongside growing its net positive recycling position. The review does not solely focus on business operations and the environment. People and communities are a key focus of the sustainability strategy, with focus on a zero accident culture and an ambition to engage all DS Smith sites in activities that improve their local communities. 

For more information, have a look at the Executive Summary here below, highlighting the key facts from the report.

Paper mills across Europe