DS Smith receives four awards at the Flexostars

DS Smith expertise in flexo printing has been once more rewarded at the Flexostars Awards. For this 31th ceremony, DS Smith received the Golden Flexostar and the Super Flexostar for the work realized for Barberot as well as two Bronze Flexostars : in the Post-Print category on Coated Paper for its box realised for Pik & Croq and in the Preprint category for the case Father Day 2017 realised for Hennessy.

As a shop front of flexo printing, the Flexostars awards are the only national annual event which rewards the best works in flexo printing. For this 2017 edition, organised as each year as part of the annual national congress of ATF (French technical association of flexo printing), the artistic and technical jurys awarded the 31 Flexostars in the four categories (corrugated board, paper, film and label) on December 14th in Saint-Malo. 

The flexo printing Barberot won the Super Flexostar (best award of Flexostar) due to its very thin screen (175 lpi) as well as the HD (High Definition) heliogravure process of the stereos developed by the compagny Esko and allowing a better printing and finer screen dots.

By receiving the Golden Flexostar and the Super Flexostar, DS Smith earned the opportunity to compete directly to the FTA Diamond Awards (reward of the best European works in flexo printing) which will take place on May 30th in Milano. That’s a novelty of this edition in what concerns the rules of the Awards and DS Smith took a chance…

Super Flexostar and Golden Flexostar received in the Preprint category for corrugated board: work realised by DS Smith Packaging Velin for Barberot (printing 5 colors (among which 1 silver tinted) + varnish on Kraft Fully Bleached Coated) 

Bronze Flexostar received in the Post-Print category on Coated Paper work realised by DS Smith Packaging Kunheim for Pik & Croq (printing 5 colors + varnish on WTK Coated).

In white on the picture: the skipper Yvan Bourgnon. He presented the award to DS Smith as part of his presentation to the ATF congress to introduce his association and his future boat « The Sea Cleaners », the first high sea boat to be able to collect the wastes of the oceans, mainly plastic, estimated to 8 millions of tonnes per year. This boat should be launched within the four next years.



Bronze Flexostar in the Preprint category for corrugated board: work realised by DS Smith Packaging Sud-Ouest for Hennessy (printing 5 colors (among which 1 gold) + varnish on Kraft Coated)